Purchase Agreements with Non-Compete Clauses
(This is the third of four posts discussing current issues with non-competition agreements that cross state lines. Companies and legal counsel must be sure to craft these agreements carefully. As I will explain in my fourth and final post of this series there is no “standard” agreement that can be used all the time regardless […]
6-Year Limitation Does Not Apply To Basis Overstatement
The Supreme Court in U.S. v. Home Concrete and Supply, LLC, 80 U.S.L.W. 3078 (U.S. 2012) has held that an overstatement of basis resulting in understated income is not an omission of gross income subject to the six year limitation on assessment of tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 6501(e)(1)(A). Code Section 6501(a) generally provides […]
Choice of Law Provisions & Non-Compete Agreements
(This is the second of four posts discussing current issues with non-competition agreements that cross state lines. Companies and legal counsel must be sure to craft these agreements carefully. As I will explain in my fourth and final post of this series there is no “standard” agreement that can be used all the time regardless […]