Mike Stukenberg named “Corpus Christi Best Lawyers® Trust and Estates Lawyer of the Year”
Mike Stukenberg has been named “Corpus Christi Best Lawyers® Trust and Estates Lawyer of the Year” for 2012. Stukenberg helps clients prepare and develop estate plans and structure family businesses. He also represents businesses and individuals in income and estate tax audits and probate and trust matters. Best Lawyers®, a well respected legal publication, gave […]
Living Trust Scams In Texas
In many instances living trusts are very beneficial tool in estate planning. Though recently, living trust sales have become a disturbing area of consumer fraud in Texas. Each year thousands of consumers waste from $500 to $5,000 by purchasing living trusts. Con artists promote their business by making false or misleading statements about the probate […]
A Good Time to Make Your Estate Planning Moves: What’s New This Year
Tax Law Changes. The 2010 Tax Act made some significant changes in the tax laws that effect gifts. The exemption for lifetime gifts was increased from $1 million to $5 million ($10 million in the case of a married couple making joint gifts) effective January 1, 2011. The estate tax exemption was also increased to […]
DOL and IRS Combine Forces to Attack Employer Misclassification of Independent Contractors
Over the past several years we have been advising our labor and employment law clients to exercise caution in the appropriate classification of individuals who provide services for them. This comes in two parts: proper identification of employees as either exempt or non-exempt for overtime purposes; and properly classifying workers as either employees or independent […]
Is Your Current Outside Counsel as Creative as a 5th Grader?
Whether it’s rock-paper-scissors, eenie-meenie-minie-moe, or simply flipping a coin, when we were kids we found ways to break impasses and get back to playing the game. Now, as highly trained lawyers, it’s helpful to remember 5 simple ways, from game theory and kids, to align interests and move forward. Contact us for help on how […]
Frack or Fiction? The Truth About Fracturing the Eagle Ford Shale
Hydraulic fracturing (commonly referred to as “fracing” or “fracking”) has received substantial attention by the media, oil and gas industry, environmental groups and landowners since the onset of the shale boom across the United States. If you live in a state where oil and gas are produced, particularly where non-traditional shale plays are located and […]
Three Branscomb Lawyers Selected As Texas Super Lawyers
Three of Branscomb Law’s attorneys, Kenton McDonald, James Robichaux and Michael Stukenberg, have been named 2011 Super Lawyers®. McDonald’s practice focuses on solving federal tax planning problems for business owners in connection with major transactions and representing individuals and businesses in matters before the Internal Revenue Service. Robichaux’s practice concentrates on litigating complex business disputes, […]